Can You Dye Hot Tub Water? A Colorful Guide to Safe Hot Tub Fun

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Hey there, hot tub enthusiasts! I’ve been asked this question more times than I can count, so let me give you the straight scoop. Yes, you can dye hot tub water!

I’ve done it myself for some pretty epic backyard parties, and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer. But hold your horses – there’s more to it than just dumping some food coloring in and calling it a day.

The short answer is that dyeing hot tub water is totally possible and can be a fun way to spice up your spa experience. However, it’s crucial to use the right products and methods to ensure you’re not damaging your hot tub or putting yourself at risk.

Trust me, I learned this the hard way when I tried using regular old food dye and ended up with a stained tub and some very unhappy friends!

Now, let’s dive deeper into the colorful world of hot tub dyeing and explore all the ins and outs of this exciting trend. Stick around, because I’ve got some great tips and tricks up my sleeve that’ll make your next hot tub party the talk of the neighborhood!

Can You Dye Hot Tub Water?

Yes, you can dye hot tub water! It’s a fun and exciting way to enhance your spa experience.

However, it’s important to use the right products and methods to ensure safety and avoid damaging your hot tub. Throughout this article, we’ll explore the proper techniques, safe dye options, and creative ideas for coloring your hot tub water.

Let’s dive deeper into the world of hot tub dyeing and discover how you can create a vibrant and unique spa experience in your own backyard!

Understanding Hot Tub Water Chemistry

An illustration showing a hot tub surrounded by colorful test strips and spa dye bottles, emphasizing the importance of balancing water chemistry. The water is a soft blue, and nearby are water testing strips, pH balancers, and sanitizers to highlight safe and fun hot tub maintenance.

Alright, folks, let’s get our nerd goggles on for a sec and talk about hot tub water chemistry. I know, I know – it sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry, but trust me, this stuff is crucial if you want to keep your hot tub in tip-top shape while experimenting with colors.

First things first, water balance is the name of the game. You’ve got pH levels, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels all playing a delicate dance in your hot tub.

It’s like a finicky chemistry experiment that’s always on the verge of going haywire. I remember when I first got my hot tub, I thought I could just fill it up and jump in.

Boy, was I wrong! After a week of itchy skin and cloudy water, I realized I had to get serious about water chemistry.

Now, here’s where things get interesting when we start talking about dyes. These colorful little troublemakers can throw your whole water balance out of whack if you’re not careful.

Some dyes can affect the pH of your water, making it more acidic or alkaline. And let me tell you, sitting in a tub of acid isn’t exactly my idea of a relaxing evening!

But it’s not just about pH. Some dyes can interfere with your sanitizer, making it less effective at killing bacteria.

Remember that time I dyed my hot tub blue for a “Under the Sea” party? Well, let’s just say the next day it was more like “Attack of the Swamp Monster.”

I had to shock the heck out of that water to get it back to normal.

There are some potential risks to consider too. Some dyes can stain your tub or your skin – not exactly the look you’re going for when you step out of a relaxing soak.

And if you’ve got sensitive skin like my cousin Betsy, certain dyes might cause irritation or allergic reactions. Poor Betsy looked like a lobster after our last colored hot tub adventure!

But don’t let all this scare you off! With the right knowledge and products, you can totally rock a colored hot tub without turning it into a science experiment gone wrong.

It’s all about finding that sweet spot between fun and safety.

One thing I’ve learned through trial and error (mostly error, if I’m being honest) is that not all dyes are created equal. Those cheap packets you find at the dollar store?

Yeah, steer clear of those. They’re about as good for your hot tub as a sandpaper loofah.

Instead, look for dyes specifically made for hot tubs and spas. These bad boys are designed to play nice with your water chemistry and won’t leave you with a tie-dye disaster on your hands.

And here’s a pro tip: always, and I mean ALWAYS, test your water before and after adding any dye. I keep a stack of test strips in my hot tub kit, right next to the inflatable ducky (don’t judge, it’s for ambiance).

A quick dip of a strip can save you from a world of hurt – or at least a world of green skin.

Remember, folks, a little bit of dye goes a long way. You’re not trying to recreate the Chicago River on St. Patrick’s Day here.

Start small, and you can always add more if you need to. Trust me, it’s a lot easier to darken the color than to try and lighten it once you’ve gone overboard.

So, there you have it – the nitty-gritty on hot tub water chemistry and dyes. It might seem like a lot to keep track of, but once you get the hang of it, it’s as easy as pie.

Well, maybe not as easy as pie… more like as easy as, uh, making a perfectly balanced hot tub cocktail. Which, coincidentally, is exactly what I’m going to go mix up right now.

Cheers to colorful soaking, my friends!

Safe Options for Dyeing Hot Tub Water

A colorful backyard hot tub scene with vibrant dyed water in shades of purple, blue, and green, surrounded by specialized dye bottles and natural alternatives like hibiscus flowers. The water glows under LED lighting, showcasing both temporary and long-lasting dye options in a lively and safe environment for experimenting with hot tub water color.

Alright, hot tub aficionados, let’s talk about the good stuff – how to actually dye your hot tub water without turning it into a scene from a B-grade horror movie. Trust me, I’ve been down that road, and it ain’t pretty.

But fear not! I’ve done the legwork (and made all the mistakes) so you don’t have to.

First up, let’s chat about specialized hot tub dyes. These little beauties are the crème de la crème of hot tub coloring.

They’re specifically designed to work with spa water and won’t mess with your carefully balanced chemistry. I remember the first time I used one of these – it was like watching a unicorn take a bath in a rainbow.

Magical, I tell ya!

Now, these specialized dyes come in all sorts of colors. You’ve got your basic blues and greens, but don’t stop there!

I once dyed my hot tub a deep purple for a Prince-themed party. Let’s just say his Royal Badness would’ve been proud.

These dyes are usually super concentrated, so a little goes a long way. The first time I used one, I got a bit overzealous and ended up with water so dark I couldn’t see my toes.

Lesson learned!

But what if you’re more of a natural, granola-munching type? No worries, I’ve got you covered too.

There are some great natural alternatives out there that can give your hot tub a subtle tint without any harsh chemicals. Ever heard of using hibiscus tea to dye your hot tub pink?

Neither had I until my eco-warrior neighbor suggested it. It worked like a charm and smelled amazing to boot!

Another natural option I’ve tried is using food-grade coloring. Now, I’m not talking about the stuff you use to dye Easter eggs.

I mean the high-quality, natural food colorings you can find at fancy baking stores. They’re safe for consumption, so they’re generally safe for your skin too.

Just be careful – I once used too much and ended up looking like I’d fallen into Willy Wonka’s chocolate river!

Now, let’s talk about temporary vs. long-lasting options. If you’re just looking to spice things up for a night, temporary dyes are your best bet.

These usually fade after a few hours or with a quick drain and refill. Perfect for those spur-of-the-moment blue moon parties!

On the flip side, if you’re committed to a colorful lifestyle, there are longer-lasting options. These can keep your hot tub tinted for weeks or even months.

Just remember, you’re in it for the long haul with these. I once dyed my hot tub a festive green for St. Patrick’s Day… in February.

Let’s just say I was feeling very Irish until well past Easter.

One thing to keep in mind with any dye option is how it might interact with your hot tub’s materials. Some dyes can stain acrylic or vinyl, especially if left for too long.

I learned this the hard way when I tried to create a “sunset” effect in my tub. The orange dye left a ring around the waterline that took forever to scrub off.

Now I always do a patch test on a small, hidden area before going all in.

And here’s a nugget of wisdom from your friendly neighborhood hot tub enthusiast: always, ALWAYS read the instructions on your dye. I know, I know, reading instructions is about as fun as watching paint dry.

But trust me, it’s worth it. Each dye is different, and what works for one might be a disaster for another.

I once skipped the instructions and ended up with water that looked like it came straight from the Black Lagoon. Not exactly the relaxing vibe I was going for!

Lastly, don’t forget about the power of lighting! Sometimes, you can create amazing color effects just by changing up your hot tub’s LED lights.

It’s like having a disco in your backyard, minus the polyester suits and bad dance moves. Plus, it’s a great option if you’re not quite ready to take the plunge into actual water dyeing.

So there you have it, folks – the lowdown on safe options for dyeing your hot tub water. Whether you go for specialized dyes, natural alternatives, or just stick to fancy lighting, remember to have fun with it.

After all, life’s too short for boring hot tub water!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Dyeing Your Hot Tub

A hot tub scene with clear, well-maintained water and bottles of dye nearby. A person is testing the water with a test strip while the jets circulate to ensure even dye distribution. A bucket of diluted dye is ready to be added, showcasing proper preparation techniques in a peaceful backyard setting.

Alright, hot tub enthusiasts, gather ’round! It’s time for the ultimate guide to the do’s and don’ts of dyeing your hot tub.

I’ve been through the wringer with this stuff, so consider me your personal hot tub Yoda. Let’s dive in!

First up, let’s talk about proper application techniques. DO start with a clean, well-maintained hot tub.

Trust me, trying to dye dirty water is like putting lipstick on a pig – it just doesn’t work. I learned this the hard way when I tried to dye my neglected hot tub after a long winter.

Let’s just say the result was less “tropical paradise” and more “swamp thing’s lair.”

When you’re ready to add the dye, DO dilute it first in a bucket of hot tub water. This helps it distribute more evenly and prevents those pesky concentrated patches of color.

I once dumped the dye straight into the tub and ended up with what looked like a tie-dye experiment gone wrong. Not exactly the soothing ambiance I was going for!

DON’T forget to turn on your jets when adding the dye. The circulation helps distribute the color evenly.

I made this mistake once and ended up with a hot tub that looked like a lava lamp. Cool for about five minutes, then just plain weird.

Now, let’s chat about maintenance considerations. DO keep a close eye on your water chemistry after adding dye.

Some dyes can affect pH levels, so you might need to adjust your chemicals more frequently. I once neglected this step and ended up with water that was more suited for pickling than relaxing.

DON’T skimp on the filtering after dyeing your hot tub. Run your filter for at least 24 hours to make sure all the dye is properly circulated and any excess is removed.

I learned this lesson when I dyed my hot tub for a midnight soiree and skipped the filtering step. Let’s just say my guests left with more than just memories – they were tinted blue for days!

Here’s a big one: DO test the dye on a small, inconspicuous area of your hot tub first. Some dyes can stain certain materials, and you don’t want to find this out after you’ve turned your entire tub into a giant mood ring.

I once skipped this step and ended up with a hot tub that looked like it had a bad spray tan. Not exactly the look I was going for!

Now, let’s talk about when to avoid dyeing your hot tub altogether. DON’T dye your hot tub if you have any open cuts or skin sensitivities.

Even safe dyes can sometimes cause irritation, and nobody wants to turn a fun hot tub party into a trip to the ER. I learned this the hard way when I dyed my hot tub red for Valentine’s Day, forgetting about my cousin’s sensitive skin.

Poor guy looked like a lobster for a week!

Also, DON’T dye your hot tub right before a big event or when you’re short on time. Sometimes dyes can take a while to settle or might need some tweaking.

You don’t want to be scrambling to fix a hot tub disaster when your guests are already pulling into the driveway. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (which, incidentally, was also dyed blue from my panic-induced hot tub plunge).

DO remember that less is more when it comes to hot tub dye. You can always add more, but it’s a real pain to try and lighten an too-dark tub.

I once got a bit overzealous with some green dye for a St. Patrick’s Day bash. My hot tub ended up looking less “emerald isle” and more “toxic waste dump.”

Not exactly the luck of the Irish I was hoping for!

And finally, DON’T forget to have fun with it! Dyeing your hot tub can be a great way to add some excitement to your backyard oasis.

Just remember to follow these guidelines, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming the hot tub dye master of your neighborhood. And if all else fails, just remember – it’s not a mistake, it’s a “custom color experience.”

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!

Creative Ideas for Colored Hot Tub Experiences

A vibrant backyard hot tub scene with glowing, colorful water in shades of blue and green, illuminated by LED lights. The hot tub is surrounded by themed party decorations, including lanterns and banners, creating a lively atmosphere. Glow-in-the-dark elements add a magical touch, highlighting creative and fun hot tub experiences.

Alright, fellow hot tub enthusiasts, buckle up! We’re about to dive into the fun part – creative ideas for colored hot tub experiences.

This is where we get to let our imaginations run wild and turn our humble hot tubs into aquatic wonderlands. Trust me, I’ve tried some crazy stuff over the years, so I’ve got plenty of ideas to share!

Let’s kick things off with themed parties and events. Oh boy, have I had some doozies!

There was the time I dyed my hot tub a deep, shimmering blue for a “Under the Sea” party. I even threw in some plastic fish and had everyone dress up as mermaids and mermen.

It was all fun and games until my buddy Dave got his fake tail stuck in the jets. Note to self: always keep scissors handy for costume emergencies!

Then there was the Halloween bash where I turned the hot tub into a “witch’s cauldron” with some green dye and dry ice for fog effect. It was spooktacular!

Just make sure you use food-grade dry ice and keep it in a container – I learned that lesson the hard way when a chunk of it gave me a nice little “frost bite” on my backside. Talk about a chilling experience!

But it’s not all just about parties. Let’s talk about chromotherapy benefits.

Now, I know it might sound a bit woo-woo, but hear me out. Different colors can actually affect your mood and energy levels.

I discovered this by accident one night when I dyed my hot tub a deep, calming blue. I climbed in feeling stressed after a long day, and I swear, within minutes I felt my worries melting away.

It was like being wrapped in a warm, aquatic hug!

On the flip side, I once dyed my tub a vibrant orange for an autumn-themed soak. Let me tell you, that color was like a shot of espresso for my mood.

I felt so energized I ended up rearranging my entire patio furniture at midnight. My neighbors weren’t too thrilled about the noise, but hey, creativity strikes when it strikes!

Speaking of seasons, how about seasonal color changes? This is a fun way to keep your hot tub experience fresh throughout the year.

In spring, I love a soft, pastel green to match the new leaves. Summer calls for a bright, tropical blue.

Fall? Give me those warm oranges and reds. And winter?

A deep, midnight blue makes those starry nights even more magical.

I remember one winter I dyed my hot tub a silvery white and threw in some blue LED lights. It was like soaking in a hot spring on a glacier!

Just be careful if you try this – I got so relaxed I almost dozed off and turned into a prune. Not exactly the abominable snowman look I was going for!

Here’s a wild idea I tried once: glow-in-the-dark hot tub water! I found some non-toxic, water-soluble glow powder and mixed it with my usual hot tub dye. The result? A mystical, glowing lagoon right in my backyard.

It was all fun and games until I realized I looked like a glowstick after I got out. Took a week for that green tinge to fade from my skin!

Oh, and here’s a pro tip: coordinate your hot tub color with your outdoor lighting for a truly immersive experience. I once set up color-changing LED strips around my patio to match my color-changing hot tub.

It was like having my own personal aurora borealis. Just be prepared for the neighbors to think you’re hosting a rave every night!

For those of you who like to keep things natural, try using herbal infusions to add a subtle tint and aroma to your hot tub. Lavender for relaxation, citrus for energy, peppermint for invigoration – the possibilities are endless!

Just make sure to use a mesh bag to contain the herbs, unless you want to feel like you’re soaking in a giant cup of tea. Although, come to think of it, that doesn’t sound half bad…

And let’s not forget about special occasions! For my parents’ 50th anniversary, I surprised them with a golden-hued hot tub.

They loved it so much, they insisted on taking a dip right then and there – fancy clothes and all. Note to self: always keep extra towels and robes handy for impromptu hot tub parties!

One last idea before I wrap up this colorful section: ombré hot tub water! I attempted this by carefully layering different colored dyes.

The result was a stunning gradient effect that looked like a liquid sunset. It took some trial and error (and a few accidental tie-dye disasters), but when I finally got it right, it was absolutely breathtaking.

Remember, folks, the key to these creative color experiences is to have fun and not take it too seriously. So what if your attempt at a patriotic red, white, and blue hot tub ends up looking more like a melted popsicle?

It’s all part of the adventure! Just keep experimenting, and soon you’ll be the hot tub color guru of your neighborhood.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a rainbow-themed hot tub party to plan!

Cleaning and Restoring Your Hot Tub After Dyeing

A hot tub cleaning scene featuring a person scrubbing the inside of an empty hot tub with a non-abrasive sponge. Nearby are cleaning supplies, including a box of baking soda and water testing strips, emphasizing the post-dye cleaning process. The hot tub cover is also being wiped down, ensuring the entire tub is restored after a colorful dye experience. The setting is a peaceful backyard, focused on proper hot tub maintenance.

Alright, hot tub color enthusiasts, we’ve had our fun, but now it’s time for the less glamorous part – cleaning up after our colorful adventures. Don’t worry, though!

I’ve got some tried-and-true tips to make this process as painless as possible. Trust me, I’ve been through enough post-dye cleanups to earn a Ph.D. in Hot Tub Restoration!

First things first, let’s talk about proper cleaning procedures. The key here is to start the cleanup process as soon as possible after your colored hot tub experience.

I learned this the hard way when I left my hot tub filled with purple dye for a week while I was on vacation. Let’s just say, when I came back, it looked less like a relaxing oasis and more like Barney the dinosaur’s bathtub!

Begin by draining your hot tub completely. And I mean completely!

Check those jets, nooks, and crannies for any lingering colored water. I once thought I’d drained my tub fully, only to turn on the jets the next day and watch a geyser of neon green water shoot up!

Quite the surprise, let me tell you.

Once drained, give your tub a good scrub down with a non-abrasive cleaner. Be gentle here – you don’t want to scratch up your tub’s surface.

I made that mistake once with a particularly stubborn red dye and ended up with a hot tub that looked like it had been attacked by an angry cat!

Now, let’s tackle the tricky business of removing dye residue. This is where patience becomes your best friend.

For stubborn stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can work wonders. Make a paste, apply it to the stained areas, and let it sit for about an hour before scrubbing gently.

I’ve used this method countless times, and it’s saved me from many a colorful disaster.

If you’re dealing with a particularly stubborn stain (I’m looking at you, electric blue dye from my “Avatar” themed party), you might need to bring out the big guns. There are specialized hot tub stain removers available that can work magic on tough dye residues.

Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully – I once used too much and ended up with a tub full of foam that looked like a bubble bath gone wrong!

Don’t forget about your filters! These guys can hold onto dye like nobody’s business.

Give them a thorough cleaning, or better yet, replace them if they’re due for it anyway. I once skipped this step and ended up with tie-dye water for weeks.

It was groovy, but not exactly what I was going for with my “relaxing spa night” theme.

Now, let’s talk about maintaining your hot tub’s longevity. After all, we want to keep having these colorful adventures for years to come, right?

The key here is to balance your water chemistry as soon as possible after cleaning. Those dyes can throw your pH levels out of whack faster than you can say “technicolor dream tub.”

I always keep a trusty water testing kit on hand for post-dye cleanups. It’s saved my bacon more times than I can count.

There was this one time I thought I could eyeball the chemical balance… let’s just say my hot tub ended up smelling like a public pool on a hot summer day. Not exactly the aromatherapy experience I was going for!

If you’re finding that your hot tub is losing its luster after multiple dye jobs, it might be time for a deep clean and polish. There are some great products out there specifically designed to restore that showroom shine to your tub.

I use these about once a year, usually after my annual “color explosion” party. It’s like giving your hot tub a spa day of its own!

Lastly, don’t forget about your hot tub cover! This often-overlooked item can hold onto dye residue like a champ.

Give it a good wipe down with a mild cleaner, and make sure it’s completely dry before putting it back on your tub. I once neglected this step and ended up with a moldy, tie-dye patterned cover.

It was… an interesting look, to say the least.

Remember, folks, the key to keeping your hot tub in tip-top shape after your colorful adventures is consistency. Make cleaning and maintenance a regular part of your routine, and your hot tub will be ready for whatever wild color schemes you dream up next.

And hey, if all else fails and you just can’t seem to get that last bit of color out, why not embrace it? I once had a stubborn pink tinge that just wouldn’t budge, so I declared it my hot tub’s new “signature look.”

Sometimes, you’ve just got to roll with the punches – or in this case, the unexpected color schemes!

So there you have it, my fellow hot tub color enthusiasts. With these tips in your arsenal, you’ll be ready to tackle even the most ambitious hot tub dyeing projects.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with my hot tub and a fresh batch of color-changing dye. Wish me luck!


Whew! What a colorful journey we’ve been on, my fellow hot tub enthusiasts!

We’ve explored the ins and outs of dyeing hot tub water, from understanding the science behind it to cleaning up after our vibrant adventures. Who knew that adding a splash of color to our soaks could be so exciting (and sometimes challenging)?

As we wrap up this guide, let’s recap the importance of this topic. Dyeing your hot tub water isn’t just about creating a visually stunning backyard oasis – although that’s definitely a perk!

It’s about transforming your hot tub experience, setting the mood for relaxation or celebration, and expressing your creativity in a unique way. Whether you’re hosting a themed party, trying out chromotherapy, or just want to shake things up a bit, a colored hot tub can be the perfect solution.

But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. (Yeah, I just quoted Spider-Man in a hot tub article.

Deal with it!) It’s crucial to approach hot tub dyeing with care and knowledge. Always prioritize safety, maintain proper water chemistry, and be mindful of potential risks.

Your hot tub is an investment, after all, and we want to keep it in tip-top shape for many colorful soaks to come.

I encourage you all to take this information and run with it – or should I say, soak with it? Customize and apply these tips based on your specific needs and preferences.

Maybe you’re all about those vibrant, party-ready colors, or perhaps you prefer subtle, soothing hues for your nightly relaxation ritual. Whatever your style, there’s a hot tub color scheme out there for you!

And hey, don’t be afraid to experiment! Some of my best hot tub memories came from those “what if” moments.

Like the time I wondered, “What if I tried to create a rainbow gradient in my hot tub?” Sure, it ended up looking more like a tie-dye experiment gone wrong, but it was a blast to attempt!

Before we part ways, I want to remind you of some key safety and ethical considerations. Always use products specifically designed for hot tubs, keep an eye on your water chemistry, and be mindful of any potential skin sensitivities or allergies.

And please, for the love of all things bubbly, don’t drink the colored water! I know it might look like a giant fruit punch bowl, but trust me, it’s not as tasty as it looks.

Lastly, I invite you all to share your own experiences and tips in the comments. Have you successfully pulled off a glow-in-the-dark hot tub party?

Did you discover a fool-proof method for creating the perfect ombré effect? Or maybe you have a hilarious hot tub dyeing disaster story to share?

(Don’t worry, we’ve all been there!) Your insights and stories could be invaluable to other hot tub color enthusiasts out there.

So, my friends, as we close this chapter on hot tub dyeing, I encourage you to dive in (pun absolutely intended) and start your own colorful hot tub adventures. Remember, life’s too short for boring, colorless soaks.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with my hot tub and a fresh batch of color-changing dye. Here’s to making waves – colorful ones, of course!

Madison Taylor

Madison Taylor Anderson is a passionate home improvement enthusiast and lifestyle writer, born and raised in the heart of Colorado Springs. With over a decade of experience in interior design and DIY projects, Madison brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to the world of home enhancement. After earning her degree in Interior Design from the University of Colorado, she embarked on a journey to transform spaces into comfortable, beautiful, and functional homes. Madison's journey began in her own small apartment, where she discovered the power of creativity and design in transforming living spaces. Her ability to turn limited spaces into cozy havens on a budget caught the attention of friends and family, leading to numerous projects and a growing reputation as a go-to advisor for home aesthetics. In 2015, Madison launched her blog, "The Cozy Hearth," a platform dedicated to sharing her love for home décor, practical DIY projects, and sustainable living. Her blog features a mix of personal projects, design tips, and how-to guides, aimed at helping readers create their dream homes, regardless of budget or space constraints. Madison's work has been featured in several home and lifestyle magazines, including "Better Homes & Gardens" and "Elle Décor." She is known for her approachable writing style, which combines technical advice with personal anecdotes, making home improvement accessible to everyone. When she's not writing or knee-deep in a DIY project, Madison enjoys hiking in the Colorado Rockies, experimenting with new recipes, and spending time with her family and two dogs, Bailey and Max. Her belief that everyone deserves a beautiful home drives her to continue sharing her knowledge, inspiring her readers to embrace their spaces and make them uniquely their own.

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